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575 Project: Widget

2000 - 2005

In the year 2000 about five million unwanted pets were killed in U.S. shelters. That’s 13,800 every day, or 575 dogs and cats killed every hour! I conceived The 575 Project to call attention to this unacceptable reality. Each piece in The 575 Project is a memorial to the 575 unwanted pets who are killed each hour.

Physical objects can become emotionally "charged" and trigger forgotten feelings. The materials I used in creating The 575 Project are things ordinarily associated with dogs and cats – such as collars, tags and pet food cans. I collected 575 of each object and created a piece of art from each collection. Many of these objects came from animal shelters around the country and have a direct and tangible connection to animals who have been destroyed.

Using the traditional mediums of drawing, painting, assemblage and ceramics, as well as performance, The 575 Project gives form to the idea that killing is not an acceptable solution to the overpopulation of domestic animals.

Installation view Russell Senate Rotunda
Installation view, San Mateo County History Museum
Migration of 575 Good Souls, ceramic and cancelled rabies tags
Migration (detail)
Migration (detail)
575 Candles Blown Out, catfood cans, wax, candle wicks
575 Candles Blown Out, catfood cans, wax, candle wicks
Empty Nest, Shelter Cage Cards, plexiglas rods, stainless steel cage
Empty Nest
Empty Nest (detail)
Empty Nest (detail)
I Saved A life (installation view)
I Saved A Life, photos of rescued pets
I Saved A Life, Woodcut
I Saved A Life, rescue stories
575 Reasons, pencil on rice paper
575 Reasons (detail)
575 Reasons (detail)
Disposable Pets, rusted pet food cans
Disposable Pets (detail)
Carry Me Home, wood with 575 dog collars from shelters
Carry Me Home
15 Minutes, oil stick and acrylic in archival plastic envelopes
Home at Last, Oil on canvas on wood with RFI chips, reader and laptop computer
3 to 5, Ink on Rice Paper, wooden frame
3to5 detail
3 to 5 (detail)
Working on Home At Last
Working on 575 Reasons
Working on Home At Last
Working on Home At Last
Working on Home At Last
Working on Home At Last
Working on Home At Last
Installing Migration of 575 Good Souls
Home at Last (initial drawing)
Working on 15 Minutes
Working on 15 Minutes
575 Project: Portfolio

I believe art can and should play an activist role in society. Art can grab one’s attention and shine a bright light into dark and hidden corners. What happens to homeless pets in shelters is a dark corner that I hope to illuminate with The 575 Project.

Today the number of animals killed in shelters is much lower - around 3-4 million. This is still unacceptable!

575 Project: Widget



P.O. Box 33 Kanab Ut. 84741


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